Phone number for uber in dallas
Phone number for uber in dallas

phone number for uber in dallas phone number for uber in dallas

You will not receive regular Uber customer service from the people answering this Uber support phone number. This Uber phone number is only for emergencies like accidents or serious security or safety issues, so do not use it for anything else. When something goes horribly wrong (like an accident) and you need to contact Uber immediately, you should call their Critical Safety Response Line at (800) 285-6172. This will send a request for help to the Elliott Advocacy team. Only use the help button if you have not managed to get a satisfactory response from Uber. Please contact Uber using the details we have provided below. Clicking the help button on this page does not send a complaint to Uber. *Please note that Elliott Advocacy is not affiliated with Uber. It has revolutionized taxicab market by introducing the Uber mobile app, which allows consumers with smartphones to submit a trip request, which is then routed to Uber drivers who use their own vehicles. It was founded by Travis Kalanick and Garrett Camp. is an American multinational online transportation network.

Phone number for uber in dallas